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Home » Genesis 20 – Abraham’s Testing Faith

Genesis 20 – Abraham’s Testing Faith


    Genesis Chapter 20 recounts an incident where Abraham and Sarah face a challenge involving deception and God’s intervention.

    Abraham’s Deception

    Abraham, journeying to Gerar, tells King Abimelech that Sarah is his sister, concealing their marital relationship.

    Abimelech’s Intentions and God’s Intervention

    King Abimelech, unaware of Sarah’s true identity, takes her into his household. However, God appears to Abimelech in a dream to prevent any wrongdoing.

    God’s Warning to Abimelech

    In the dream, God warns Abimelech about the consequences of taking Sarah, who is married to Abraham.

    Abimelech’s Innocence Plea

    Abimelech pleads innocence before God, acknowledging his integrity in unknowingly taking another man’s wife.

    God’s Mercy and Abraham’s Prayer

    God, recognizing Abimelech’s integrity, prevents him from sinning and commands him to return Sarah to Abraham. Abraham, having deceived Abimelech, prays for his healing and the restoration of his household.

    Abimelech’s Restitution

    Abimelech, upon learning the truth from Abraham, confronts him about the potential danger he put his kingdom in.

    Lessons from Genesis Chapter 20

    Genesis Chapter 20 teaches us important lessons:

    • God is vigilant in protecting His chosen ones, even when they make mistakes.
    • Deception can have severe consequences and should be avoided.
    • God’s mercy extends to those who sincerely seek Him and acknowledge their wrongs.

    Promoting Bible Reading with NKJV

    The New King James Version (NKJV) is a trusted translation that allows readers to dive into the richness of God’s Word. By engaging with the NKJV Bible, we can deepen our understanding of biblical narratives, gain wisdom, and strengthen our faith. Embrace the NKJV as your guide for meaningful Bible reading experiences by reading Genesis chapter 20.

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