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Home » Genesis 48 – Blessings and Adoption

Genesis 48 – Blessings and Adoption


    Genesis chapter 48 portrays a significant moment as Jacob blesses Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh.

    Jacob’s Adoption of Joseph’s Sons

    Jacob formally adopts Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Manasseh, welcoming them into the lineage of Israel.

    Jacob’s Blessings

    Jacob acknowledges God’s guidance and prays for their prosperity and spiritual inheritance.

    In Genesis 48:15-16, Jacob invokes God’s name, affirming the covenant blessings given to Abraham and Isaac.

    The Reversal of Blessings

    Jacob intentionally crosses his hands, placing his right hand on Ephraim, the younger son.

    This act defies birthright traditions and signifies God’s sovereign choice in determining their destinies.

    Joseph’s Concern

    Joseph tries to adjust Jacob’s hands, assuming a mistake, but Jacob insists it is intentional.

    Jacob explains that his actions are guided by God’s plan, not error.

    Promoting Bible Reading with NKJV

    The New King James Version (NKJV) facilitates a deeper understanding of Genesis chapter 48.

    Engaging with the NKJV unveils the blessings, heritage, and providence depicted in this chapter.


    Genesis chapter 48 showcases Jacob’s adoption and blessing of Joseph’s sons, highlighting God’s sovereign plan.

    By reading the NKJV, individuals can explore the transformative power of Scripture and discover profound insights.

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